Dream teacher


dreams heal!

claire faye intsructeur de reve

I am a Dream Teacher.

I have been a member of the School for Active Dreaming created by Robert Moss since 2017. I was a student of the Tibetan lama Tarab Tulku Rinpoche IX who practiced and taught dream yoga. I study lucid dreaming with Charlie Morley.

Dreams are our path to our unconscious. According to Milton Erickson, it is a luminous unconscious full of our resources. And according to Carl Gustav Jung, our unconscious is in contact with the collective unconscious which offers even more resources.

Dream analysis is therefore a powerful tool.




At the office: 67 avenue du Général de Gaulle 56400 Auray
Number of participants: 3 to 9 people
Group duration: 2 hours, from 7pm to 9pm
Participation: 25 eu (5 groups for 100eu)
Dates 2024: april : thursday 11, tuesday 30. May : thursday 23. June: tuesday 4, thursday 27

Cancellation must be made 24 hours minimum before the meeting. Registration can be made the day of the group if available.



Number of participants: up to 10 people
Group duration: 6 hours (10-13, 14-17).

Dates 2024:

Program: lightning dream work, tracking, shamanic journeys and synchronicity game. A lot of fun!




The School for Active Dreaming was created by Robert MOSS. He describes himself as a dream teacher, on a path for which there has been no career track in our culture; it is an original synthesis between contemporary work on dreams and the ancestral techniques of shamanism.

A central premise of Moss’s approach is that dreaming isn’t just what happens during sleep. The dream is the possibility of waking up to sources of guidance, healing and creativity beyond the reach of the everyday mind.

Core techniques of Active Dreaming include:

– The “lightning dreamwork” process, designed to facilitate quick dream-sharing that results in helpful action; the use of the “if it were my dream” protocol encourages the understanding that the dreamer is always the final authority on his or her dream.

– Dream reentry: the practice of making a conscious journey back inside a dream in order to clarify information, dialogue with a dream character, or move beyond nightmare terrors into healing and resolution.

– Tracking and group dreaming: conscious dream travel on an agreed itinerary by two or more partners, often supported by shamanic drumming.

– Dream transfer : growing a vision and gifting friends with the right healing story.

– Navigating by synchronicity: reading coincidence and “symbolic pop-ups” in ordinary life as “everyday oracles”.

More fun methods to explore dreams: dream theatre, dream transfer, waymaking… If you wish to deepen your knowledge of active dreaming, you can also visit Robert Moss’ website and/or consult my page on bibliography.



Every night! And every day…

As a dream teacher, I use active dreaming with my patients. I teach active dreaming techniques in one-to-one discussions or groups workshops for the better self-knowledge of the participants.

I am available in France at my office for active dreaming.

67 ave du Général de Gaulle 56400 Auray
tel. +33 616 186 536

You can contact me by phone, Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal.